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The efficacy and role of fruit wine The benefits of drinking fruit wine


Fruit wine is a general term for various fruit wines, such as mulberry wine, plum wine and bayberry wine, which are all important members of the fruit wine family. Although fruit wine contains some alcohol, its alcohol content is relatively low compared with liquor and beer, and they have many health benefits. So what are the effects and functions of fruit wine?

1 What is the nutritional value of fruit wine
Fruit wine is a healthy and nutritious wine produced by using fresh fruits as raw materials, and using natural fermentation or artificially added yeast to decompose sugar while preserving the original nutrients of the fruit. With its unique flavor and color, fruit wine has become a new consumer fashion.
Fruit wine is clear and transparent, sweet and sour, mellow and pure without peculiar smell, with the unique aroma of the original fruit. Fruit wines often drunk in summer include cherry wine, lychee wine, plum wine, peach wine, wine, mango wine, longan wine, pitaya wine Wait. Compared with other wines such as liquor and beer, fruit wine has higher nutritional value. Fruit wine contains a large amount of polyphenols, which can inhibit the accumulation of fat in the human body. It contains various amino acids and vitamins B1, B2, vitamin C, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc and other mineral elements, although fruit wine contains alcohol, but the content is very low compared with liquor and wine, generally 5 to 10 degrees, the highest is only 14 degrees, drink fruit wine properly It is good for health.
Taking apple cider as an example, it is fermented and brewed by selecting high-quality apples as raw materials, which preserves the nutritional and health benefits of apples, and contains a variety of vitamins, trace elements, and essential amino acids and organic acids for the human body. The effect of digestion, relaxation and blood circulation, beauty and fitness.
It is not advisable to drink fruit wine on an empty stomach, let alone drink it with other wines. The best way is to pair it with some soda biscuits or vegetable salad. On the one hand, it matches the taste of fruit wine. On the other hand, the fiber in such snacks and vegetables can protect the gastric mucosa from irritation in advance and slow down the absorption of alcohol. It can also play a role in relieving stress and stabilizing emotions.
2 The efficacy and role of fruit wine
Different fruit wines have different effects according to the different brewed fruits. Here are some common fruit wine benefits:
Apple cider: It preserves the nutritional and health benefits of apples, and contains a variety of vitamins, trace elements, and essential amino acids and organic acids for the human body. Drinking apple cider regularly has the effect of promoting digestion, relaxing muscles and promoting blood circulation, and beauty and fitness;
Strawberry wine: It has the effect of invigorating qi and stomach, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst, diuretic and antidiarrheal. Rich in vitamin C and citric acid, it can beautify the skin and is very helpful for beauty and beauty. It is very suitable for women to drink. It can also improve the symptoms of low blood pressure and anemia. It is very suitable for drinking after recovery from illness and helps restore physical strength;
Mulberry wine: It has the functions of lowering blood pressure and lipid, preventing vascular sclerosis, enhancing vascular toughness, improving blood supply to the skin (including the scalp), whitening and nourishing the skin, delaying aging, anti-cancer and anti-cancer, nourishing blood, and promoting immunity;
Hawthorn wine: invigorating blood, invigorating Qi, strengthening spleen. It has a significant effect on recovering physical fatigue, increasing energy and promoting appetite;
Plum wine: can regulate gastrointestinal function, detoxification, health care, beauty and beauty, refreshing and anti-aging. It can also be used as a rescue medicine for diarrhea, and it is also beneficial for the treatment of rheumatism;
Kiwifruit wine: antipyretic and body fluid, diuresis and drenching. It is suitable for fever, polydipsia, jaundice, urethral calculi, urination, and vitamin deficiency.
Blueberry wine: enhance immunity, delay aging, beautify the face, prevent cancer, heart disease and urinary system diseases, prevent brain nerve aging, enhance brain power, prevent Alzheimer's disease, and regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics.


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